AR / VR and Graphics technologies have a multitude of applications from workplace communication and education, to e-commerce and the treatment of diseases. However, the technologies themselves are in their relative infancy with numerous device limitations, such as weight, display quality, FOV and latency.
Our deep client engagement and the talent in our team allows us to successfully pitch everything from niche senior roles to graduate opportunities in this sector. That’s why our guarantee to you, is that we’ll find the best talent on the market that will allow your business to overcome these challenges now and in the future.
New York Office
280 Madison Avenue,
9th Floor, Room 912
New York, NY 10016, USA
Company reg. 10642569
European Office
Franz-Joseph-Str. 11
Munich, Germany
Global Head Office
39 Upper Gardner Street
Brighton, BN1 4AN
United Kingdom
Company reg. 05924374
UK Office
Princes Exchange, 2 Princes Square
Leeds, LS1 4BY
United Kingdom